Patrice Presents

As a paraprofessional, certified educational associate, consultant and mentor Patrice, A.K.A The Gardening Grandma, offers a wide variety of services

Got Dirt? Gardening for Kids


Kids Gardening Program

Got Dirt? Gardening for Kids

Come on an adventure with the Gardening Grandma & get hooked on gardening and growing your own food. Enter into the growing process along with Mother Nature and her super heroes and have guidance step by step along the way

Packages Ranging From

$1000 to $10,000


Fabulous Family Futures Program

Here Parents are offered support to show up as their best self and be good role models for their children. They are shown ways to disengage children from their devices and have fun doing healthy, meaningful activities. Being encouraged to move towards self-sufficiency, they are shown how a family can do more for themselves and how to prompt their kids in helping with this too. Having things like gardening as a family project creating tighter family bonds, while learning important life lessons that lead your children towards growing to their greatest potential. This program is geared to getting kids on track to be well adjusted and have bright futures.

Fabulous Family Futures

Patrice Porter

The Gardening Grandma.

A Paraprofessional, Certified Educational Associate, Gardening Consultant with a Wealth of Knowledge

Offering mentoring, consulting, coaching and a variety of programs